Weld Vertices
Weld Vertices will join selected vertices into one vertex.
The vertices must be very close to each other.
More than one set of vertices can be welded at one time.
If you have a model which has been duplicated and flipped you can weld the
seam between the two portions by moving the seams together, selecting all
vertices along the seam, and using a single weld command. Only vertices
near each other will be welded so that you can weld the entire seam in
one operation.
Vertices can be disconnected again by using the unweld command.
Keyboard shortcuts
Align Selected
Align Selected opens a window to move the selected
portion of the model so that the minimum, maximum, or center values
of a given coordinate axis
are aligned along a specified value of the axis. For example,
if you have a cube you can use the Align Selection window
to align the left or right (minimum or maximum, respectively) side of
the cube with the axis (0.0) or any other value for X. The shape
of the selected portion of the model remains unchanged.
See the
Align Selection Window for more details.
Keyboard shortcuts
Simplify Mesh
Simplify Mesh combines faces that do not add detail to a shape.
This command does not perform LOD reduction.
If you have a cube where
each side is made up of 8 triangles, then all of these triangles
are in the same plane and many edges form a single straight line.
In this case, the eight faces on each side can be reduced to
two faces. Often when you use a boolean operation to combine
two objects you will want to use the simplify mesh command to
eliminate unecessary faces from the model.
Keyboard shortcuts
Invert Normals
Invert Normals will cause normals to extend from the opposite plane of
selected faces. This is useful if some sections of the model have been
manipulated in such a way that polygons are facing the wrong direction.
If you have very dark polygon faces or if some polygon faces don't
show up in a different rendering engine, it may be because your normals
are facing the wrong direction. In these cases, inverting normals will
fix the problem.
Keyboard shortcuts
Hide will make faces or vertices of your choice invisible. This can be
useful if some faces are blocking your view of the part of the model with which
you are working.
You can hide the selected portion of the model or the unselected portion of the
model. When you are ready to see the complete model again you can select
Unhide all to make the invisible portions visible again.
Hidden model portions cannot be selected. Any commands or tools which operate
on selected portions of the model will not modify hidden model objects.
Keyboard shortcuts
- H - Hide unselected
- Shift-H - Hide selected
- Shift+U - Unhide all
Delete removes selected vertices, faces, and bone joints.
If a vertex is removed, any
faces which rely on that vertex will also be deleted. If a face is deleted
which shares vertices with other faces, the vertices and unselected faces
will not be deleted. If a bone joint is deleted it will delete keyframes
for that bone joint and may cause animation problems for children of the
deleted joint.
Delete can be used in Animation Mode to delete a skeletal animation keyframe
for selected bone joints.
Keyboard shortcuts
- Delete - Delete selection
Extrude takes faces that you have selected
and extends them in a direction you specify. When those faces are extended,
each edge becomes another face which is connected to the faces' original locations.
There is also an Extrude Tool.
Use the X, Y, and Z text entry boxes to specify how far faces
should be offset from their current location. If the "Make Back Faces"
option is checked new polygons will be created where the old ones were, but
facing the opposite direction (the extruded area will be completely enclosed
by the extrusion).
Keyboard shortcuts