About Misfit Model 3D DownloadsMisfit Model 3D source code is available for download. On Unix-like systems you must compile it yourself. It was written and tested on Linux. It is also known to run on FreeBSD, Windows XP, and Mac OS X. There is a binary installer for Microsoft Windows. Of course you can still download the source code and build it yourself if you would prefer to do it that way. contact me if you are interested in maintaining a packaged binary version of Misfit Model 3D for Linux, FreeBSD, or some other system. ReleasesMac OS X Binary InstallersBuilding From SourceSupport for Mac OS X is still experimental. I do not have access to an OS X system so I must rely on other developers to assist in fixing OS-X-specific issues (particularly build issues). You should be able to build Misfit Model 3D from source code if you have Qt installed and specify the Qt directory using the --with-Qt-dir ./configure option. See the Installation page for more details. Third-party Binaries