Joints WindowThe Joints Window can be opened by selecting Edit Joints... from the Influences menu. The Joints Window allows you to rename bone joints and assign vertices to bone joints. To create bone joints, see the Create Bone Joint tool. Joints ListThe joints combo box lists all the bone joints in the model. Selecting a joint in the combo box will cause that joint to be selected (all other joints will be unselected). After selecting a joint you can rename it, delete it, or assign vertices to it. RenameThe Rename button allows you to rename a bone joint. Bone joint names do not have to be unique (unless you are exporting to Milkshape 3D format). DeleteThe Delete button deletes a bone joint. The parent joint of the selected joint will become the parent of all the selected joint's child joints. You cannot delete the root joint unless it is the only joint. Select Joint VerticesThe Select Joint Vertices button selects all the vertices that are assigned to the selected bone joint. All other vertices are unselected. Select Unassigned VerticesThe Select Unassigned Vertices button selects all the vertices that are not assigned to any bone joint. All assigned vertices are unselected. Assign Vertcies to JointThe Assign Vertices to Joint button assigns all the selected vertices to the selected bone joint. Selected vertices that were assigned to another joint will now only be assigned to the new one (when using the Joints Window a vertex may be assigned to only one bone joint, see the Influences Properties Panel if you want to assign a vertex to multiple bone joints). Unselected vertices assigned to the current joint will still be assigned to the current joint. Press Ok to keep your changes or press Cancel to ignore any changes. See Also |