Auto-Assign Bone Joints Window
The Auto-Assign Bone Joints Window allows you to quickly
assign vertices and points to bone joints. The two factors that
determine which bone joint a vertex or point is assigned to are
the orientation of the joint and the distance to the joint.
The Only assign to selected joints checkbox indicates if you
want to assign to any bone in the model, or limit the assignments to
joints that are selected. If no bone joints are selected, this checkbox
is disabled.
The auto-assign feature will assign a primary bone joint influence
and up to two additional influences (a child and parent of the primary
joint) for a total of up to three bone joints.
The Single/Multiple slider allows you to increase or decrease
the range of child and parent bone joints. If the slider is completely on the
Single side, a vertex can only be assigned to one joint. As the slider
moves closer to the Multiple side, child and parent joints of the
primary joint are more likely to be assigned.
Press Ok to auto-assign bone joints or press Cancel
to leave bone joint assignments as they are.