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Export Animation Window


The Export Animation Window allows you to save an animation as a series of jpeg or png files.

Exporting Animations


The Source frame has an Animation combo box to specify which animation you want to export and a Viewport combo box to specify which viewport the animation should play in. The viewports are referenced by number and also indicate the direction from which the viewport is looking at the model. The viewports are numbered from left to right, top to bottom, starting at 1.


The Duration frame controls how long the animation should play. You can specify the duration in Seconds or complete animation Iterations by clicking on the appropriate radio button and entering the number of seconds or iterations in the number entry box.


The Output determines how the exported animation images will be saved. You can specify the Frame Rate, the filename Format (JPEG or PNG, with or without leading zeros), and the output Directory.

Ok and Cancel

The Ok button will start the export process and close the window.

The Cancel button will close the window without exporting animations.

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Last updated: Sat Aug 1 08:57:01 PDT 2009
Copyright © 2004-2009, Kevin Worcester -- email kevin at the misfitcode.com domain.